
Fostering Collaboration and Growth - The Role of Personalized Learning and Statistical Insights


*This blog is thought of and written by Team Bearbei however with the help of AI technology to refine and come up with better explanation of out points.


Intro to the Blog

At Bearbei, we prioritize personalized learning above all else. Achieving this requires not just advanced technology, such as our app, but also a guiding mindset and approach that supports long-term success. Our goal is to create an environment where students view their peers not as competitors, but as allies—fostering a culture where helping one another becomes second nature. Traditional educational settings often encourage competition, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and a focus on outperforming others rather than on personal growth. This competitive mindset can hinder collaboration and create an environment where students see their peers as obstacles rather than partners. By shifting the focus from competition to collaboration, we prepare students to work together and support each other, skills that will serve them well in the future. Mathematics, particularly statistics, plays a crucial role in this endeavor. Today, we’re excited to share a fresh perspective on how standard deviation can bridge the gap between mathematical concepts and real-life educational settings.

Why is it important to apply the standard deviation and what could we get from it?

As much as we would like to dive directly into the concept of standard deviation and its applications in the classroom, it’s crucial to first emphasize the significance of fostering a collaborative environment and embracing personalized learning. These two approaches are not just about immediate academic success; they play a fundamental role in shaping the long-term culture of a learning community. By encouraging collaboration over competition, students learn to value teamwork and mutual support, which fosters a more positive and inclusive atmosphere. Personalized learning, on the other hand, ensures that each student's unique needs and strengths are addressed, leading to more meaningful and effective educational experiences. Additionally, when students help each other, it aligns well with the Feynman Technique, a method where teaching others helps deepen one’s own understanding. This collaborative approach also addresses students' psychological needs by providing support and building a sense of community. To enhance this further, applying MBTI and the 8 cognitive theory to strategically pair students based on their personality types can optimize how they support one another. By aligning students with complementary strengths and learning styles, we can improve both individual performance and overall classroom dynamics. Together, these strategies cultivate a culture where students are empowered to support one another and take ownership of their learning journey, ultimately preparing them for a future where collaboration, personal growth, and psychological well-being are highly valued.

Understanding the concept of standard deviation with the concept of Mean (Average).
To fully appreciate the role of standard deviation in education, it’s important to first understand how it differs from the mean, or average. The mean is a measure of central tendency that provides a single value representing the typical performance of a group of students. It’s calculated by summing all individual scores and dividing by the number of scores, giving a snapshot of where most students stand. However, while the mean tells us about the center of the data, it doesn’t provide information about the spread or variability of students’ performances. This is where standard deviation comes into play. Standard deviation measures the amount of variation or dispersion from the mean. A low standard deviation indicates that students' performances are close to the average, suggesting a uniform level of understanding. Conversely, a high standard deviation signifies that students’ performances are more spread out, with some scoring significantly higher or lower than the average. By examining both the mean and the standard deviation, educators can gain a deeper insight into not just the typical performance but also the diversity of student outcomes, which is crucial for tailoring support and interventions effectively.

What is the formula of the standard deviation and what does it mean ?

When analyzing data, understanding the dispersion of values around the mean is crucial. This is where standard deviation comes into play. Standard deviation measures the extent to which data points deviate from the mean, providing insight into the variability within a dataset. However, there are two primary types of standard deviation that are used depending on the context: the population standard deviation and the sample standard deviation.

  1. Population Standard Deviation
    The population standard deviation is used when we have data for an entire population. It provides a measure of how much each value in the population deviates from the population mean. The formula for the population standard deviation is:

    In this formula:

    • σ represents the population standard deviation.
    • N is the total number of observations in the population.
    • X(i) refers to each individual observation.
    • μ is the population mean.

    This formula calculates the average distance of each data point from the population mean, giving a comprehensive view of the data's spread across the entire population.

  2. Sample Standard Deviation

    The sample standard deviation, on the other hand, is used when working with a sample drawn from a larger population. It estimates the standard deviation of the population based on the sample data. The formula for the sample standard deviation is:

    In this formula:

    • S denotes the sample standard deviation.
    • Nis the number of observations in the sample.
    • refers to each individual observation in the sample.
    • x bar is the sample mean.

    This formula includes n−1 in the denominator rather than N. This adjustment, known as Bessel's correction, accounts for the fact that a sample tends to underestimate the population standard deviation. By using n−1, the sample standard deviation provides a more accurate estimate of the population's variability.

Using examples and laymen's terms to explain the concept.

Imagine you’re hosting a game night with your friends, and you decide to measure how far each player’s scores deviate from the average score to understand how consistent or varied the scores are.

  1. The Average Score (Mean)
    First, you calculate the average score of all players. This is like finding the “middle ground” where most of the scores lie. If everyone scored around this average, the game night was fairly consistent.
  2. Understanding Variation (Standard Deviation)
    Now, let’s say you want to understand how much each player's score differs from this average. This is where standard deviation comes in. Think of it like this:
    1. Low Standard Deviation: Imagine if everyone’s scores are very close to the average score. In this case, the variation is small. It’s like all your friends scored almost the same on every game, so the game night was quite predictable and consistent.
    2. High Standard Deviation: Now, picture if some players scored very high while others scored very low compared to the average. This means there’s a lot of variation. It’s like having a mix of scores where some players were exceptional while others struggled. The game night was more unpredictable and varied.
  3. Visualizing the Concept
    To make it even simpler, imagine a dartboard. If all your darts land very close to the bullseye (average score), you have a low standard deviation. If the darts land all over the board, far from the bullseye, you have a high standard deviation.

In essence, the standard deviation tells you how spread out the scores are around the average. A low standard deviation means scores are clustered closely together, while a high standard deviation means scores are more spread out.

Applying standard deviation to the real-life class room and calculating it.

  1. Low Standard Deviation Example:
    1. Imagine the scores of 30 students on a math test are very close to each other. Here’s a simplified list of scores for this example:
  2. High Standard Deviation Example

Utilizing Standard Deviation for Effective Teaching

After calculating the standard deviation of students' performance in a class, teachers can leverage this data to gain valuable insights and tailor their approach:

  1. Assessing General Understanding:
    1. Low Standard Deviation with High Mean: If the standard deviation is low and the mean score is high, it indicates that students are performing consistently well. This suggests that the class is generally on the same page, and there might be less need for individual attention.
    2. Low Standard Deviation with Low Mean: If the standard deviation is low but the mean score is low, it means that all students are struggling with the material. This signals a need for a comprehensive review or different instructional strategies.
  2. High Standard Deviation:

    • Varied Performance: A high standard deviation indicates that there is a wide range of performance levels in the class. Some students excel while others are struggling. This disparity highlights a need for targeted support.
  3. Implementing Peer Support:

    • Match High and Low Performers: Identify high-performing students and compare their MBTI types with those of lower-performing students. Create small teams where high-performing students can assist their peers. This strategy allows lower-performing students to benefit from the insights and explanations of their more successful classmates.
    • Feynman Technique: Encourage high-performing students to teach and explain concepts to their peers using the Feynman Technique. This approach helps them solidify their own understanding while aiding others.
  4. Fostering a Collaborative Culture:

    • Team Effort: Emphasize to the class that everyone is part of a team working towards collective success. Encourage students to support each other and frame the improvement of the class's standard deviation as a team goal.
    • Incentives: Announce that if the class's standard deviation improves (i.e., becomes lower) in future assessments, they will achieve a collective reward. This creates motivation and reinforces the value of collaboration.

By using standard deviation to assess and address performance disparities, you can create a more supportive learning environment. This approach not only helps in identifying areas where additional help is needed but also fosters a sense of teamwork and mutual support among students.




Why Do We Suggest to Use MBTI When Using this Method of Teaching

Understanding students' MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) types can significantly enhance teaching strategies and peer collaboration. Here’s why this approach can be beneficial:

  1. Tailoring Teaching Methods:

    • Individual Needs: Different MBTI types have distinct preferences and learning styles. For example, an INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) student may thrive with personalized, empathetic encouragement and a supportive learning environment. In contrast, an ENTJ (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging) might prefer structured, goal-oriented approaches and direct feedback. By recognizing these differences, teachers can tailor their methods to better meet the needs of each student.
  2. Optimizing Peer Support:

    • Effective Pairing: When pairing students for collaborative work, considering their MBTI types can enhance the effectiveness of peer support. For instance, an INFP may benefit from the direct, logical explanations of an ENTJ, while the ENTJ might gain new perspectives from the INFP's more empathetic and creative approach. Matching students with complementary MBTI types can foster productive teamwork and mutual learning.


  3. Addressing Psychological Needs:

    • Emotional Well-being: Psychological comfort and emotional support are crucial for students’ willingness to engage and learn. Different MBTI types respond differently to various types of feedback and encouragement. By aligning teaching methods and peer interactions with students' psychological preferences, teachers can create a more supportive and motivating learning environment. For instance, INFP students may require more positive reinforcement and a nurturing approach, while ENTJ students might respond better to challenges and constructive criticism.
  4. Enhancing Engagement:

    • Personalized Learning: Understanding MBTI types helps in crafting a personalized learning experience. When students feel that their unique needs and preferences are acknowledged, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. This personalized approach not only improves learning outcomes but also fosters a more inclusive and respectful classroom culture.
  5. Building Effective Teams:

    • Balanced Collaboration: In group settings, considering MBTI types helps in forming balanced teams. Combining different types can lead to a more well-rounded team with diverse strengths and perspectives. For example, pairing a detail-oriented INTJ with a creative ENFP can lead to innovative solutions and effective problem-solving.

By incorporating MBTI insights into educational strategies, teachers can better address students' individual needs, foster positive peer interactions, and create an environment that supports both academic and emotional growth. This approach acknowledges that psychological factors play a key role in students' learning experiences and aims to enhance their overall educational journey.


We understand that the current educational system primarily emphasizes standardized testing and a focus on Si (Introverted Sensing) cognitive functions. This traditional approach often overlooks the diverse psychological needs and learning preferences of individual students. As a result, implementing a strategy that considers MBTI types and personalized learning may initially seem challenging and unconventional.

However, we firmly believe that every significant change begins with a single step. By recognizing and addressing the unique cognitive and emotional needs of each student through the lens of MBTI, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and effective educational environment. This shift towards personalization acknowledges that students are not one-size-fits-all; rather, they are individuals with distinct learning styles and psychological profiles.

Starting this journey may require adjustments and a shift in mindset, but it holds the promise of creating a classroom where every student feels understood, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential. As we embark on this path, we are committed to exploring and refining these approaches to enhance both academic success and overall well-being.

Every great transformation in education starts with the courage to try something new. Embracing personalized learning and MBTI-based strategies is a step towards a more thoughtful and adaptive approach to teaching, ultimately benefiting students and fostering a more collaborative and supportive learning environment.

*Please note that the cover photo for this blog is an AI-generated image designed to fit the content and theme of the post. While it does not feature the Bearbei mascot, it was chosen to visually represent the concepts discussed, such as collaboration and personalized learning. We hope it enhances your reading experience and aligns with the innovative approach we’re exploring.